Monthly Prediction for Gemini



A month that holds out fairly beneficial prospects for your health, since you have a favourable combination of stars facing you. There is only one note of caution that must be sounded. That is to caution against over-exertion. This, you could easily achieve by chalking out a fresh schedule of activity in which no undue strain is put on your system, and yet all normal activity is allowed full play. This done, your health problems would virtually cease to exist. This is because the turn of events favour relief. There is a predisposition to certain chronic ailments of the stomach and digestive organs.


An excellent month, full of opportunities for financial advancement. Dancers, musicians, painters, actors and practitioners of the other arts can especially look forward to an extremely productive period both financially and in terms of creative output. Some of you would also be very successful in handling your juniors or workers in a manner that will enable you to derive optimum benefit from their services. This would be a big benefit, and result in big profits. There is also a strong likelihood of some elderly gentleman doing you a favour that could greatly benefit you.


This month the augury from the stars is quite favourable in so far as your professional attainments are concerned. Those engaged in the fine arts would find excellent opportunities for satisfying creative involvement in which they could go on to achieve a good deal. There is also the likelihood of an old person or a female colleague doing you a favour that would boost your career prospects significantly. Travel also would prove quite beneficial and there would be a fair quality of this during the ensuring period. The most favourable direction would be west. Your handling of your subordinates would also be quite adept and would enable you to derive optimum benefit from their services.


This would be a quite a favourable month in so far as your educational prospects are concerned, since the stars are helpfully disposed. Those pursuing dance, drama, music, painting, sculpture and the other arts are likely to have a hectic spell of activity with some of you going on to score notable successes. Technical students would also perform in an outstanding manner some feats involving skill and dexterity. They would also face extremely well with their textbooks. Those sitting for competitive examinations would succeed in their objectives with just about the normal effort.


There is indication of decent percentage for you in travel in this month, since the stars are favorable. You would travel within the country and it is also very likely that you would venture out, too far from home. Business or job related travel would be anything but rewarding, though exigencies of work may make it necessary for you to undertake it. Indications are that there would be some travel for pleasure, like a family holiday. The most favourable direction would be South.


Quite a beneficial month in so far as your family prospects are concerned, since the stellar influences are mostly favourable. During this month, your devotion towards, your father would grow and you would receive his heart-felt blessings. In fact, some of you can look forward to sizeable gains from your father. There is the further likelihood of someone below you in the social strata doing you a good turn, that could well turn out to be quite a boon. Financially also, you all would do quite well, with a definite chance of a substantial increase in your overall family income. There is the chance of celebrating an auspicious event in the family.


Nothing particularly beneficial in the augury from the stars in so far as the affairs of your children are concerned. Most of them would not do too well at studies. Those pursuing the fine arts like music, painting, dance, drama, etc. would face difficult times in which their progress would be adversely effected. However, those pursuing some practical trade or apprenticeship would not do too badly for themselves. Those sitting for competitive examinations must go in for extra coaching and also work quite hard. The behaviour of some of them may also border on the unruly, which should be firmly dealt with by parents.

Common Feature of Gemini

General Characteristics Gemini

The Gemini Ascendant is ruled by the planet Mercury. People born with a Gemini Ascendant/Zodiac Sign love to talk a lot. They are very communicative people. Relating and connecting to people on all levels is important to them but mainly through their speech.

They are extremely close to their mother and their home. Money issues are close to their heart and they often experience many ups & down in their lives with respect to finances. They are blessed with a strong vitality and are athletic in nature. They have an eye for beauty, creativity and most importantly- investments! They do not make plans in a hurry and give a fair amount of thought before executing their decisions. They have a very fine calculative mind.

Since Mercury deals with the cognitive process, these people are constantly thinking as well as expressing themselves in a communicative way. They are very profound and deep thinkers. They are great observers and have an eye for details. However, they often lose their focus by getting into unnecessary arguments with others. It is quite easy to provoke them.

They reject everything that does not fit into their own frame of logic which sometimes brings bitterness in their relationships with others as people find them very judgemental and rude. They do not provide any unsolicited advice but once asked for help, they offer highly useful guidance to others. Success comes to them a bit later than expected but in the end, their efforts are well rewarded.

They should be utmost careful while trusting people as someone who they initially thought to be their friend could eventually turn out to be their enemy. They could work professionally with their spouse, have a business together or they could even meet their spouse in the first place, through their career/job.

Naturally Benefic Planets for Gemini

Mercury being the ruler of Gemini is obviously a beneficial planet for people having Gemini as their Ascendant. However, Venus and Saturn in spite of having the rulership one good as well as one bad house in the horoscope, are still more or less positive planets for Gemini Ascendants.

Suitable Profession Gemini

The most suited professions for people having Gemini Ascendant are: Journalism, Writing, TV or Radio, Sales & Marketing, Teaching, Accountancy, Printing and Travel & Tourism.

Friendly Sign Gemini

Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius

Element Gemini

Out of the five primordial elements, the Air element is associated with the sign of Gemini and hence people having Gemini as their Ascendant/Zodiac Sign are very talkative and at times, love to daydream!

Related Chakra Gemini

The Chakra or Energy Centre in the body that houses the characteristics of Gemini is “Vishuddhi”.


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